
Pumpkin has a range of health benefits, including being the best source of beta-carotene and is highly nutrient dense food. It is a vital source of vitamins and minerals but these are low in calories. As indicated by their bright orange color, they contain beta-carotene that is converted to vitamin A when consumed. Eating foods rich in beta-carotene decreases the risk of developing several types of cancer, give protection against asthma and heart disease, and delay aging and body degeneration. It also contains some minerals including calcium, potassium, and magnesium, as well as vitamins such as vitamin E, C, and some B vitamins.

Vitamin C present in it helps to prevent bruising and aids with wound healing. Vitamin E present in them together with vitamin C and help protect against sunburn. A deficiency of vitamin A has been linked to reduced vision or even blindness. Pumpkins being a source of Beta-carotene, as well as vitamins C and E, maintain eyes health and reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases. Carotenoids present in pumpkins, help to protect cells against harmful free radical. Free radicals neutralizing the power of the carotenoids in pumpkin help prevent cancerous cells. Being rich in fiber, pumpkins are ideal for maintaining a healthy digestive system.
Studies have shown that consuming pumpkin reduces the risk of obesity and overall mortality. It also prevents diabetes and heart disease, and promote a healthy skin complexion and boost overall energy level. Certain plant-based compounds called Phytosterols are present in pumpkin have been linked to reducing bad cholesterol. Seeds are also edible. They are rich in antioxidants, iron, zinc, and magnesium. Eating pumpkin helps to control diabetes, as the plant compounds present in pumpkin seeds and pulp are excellent for helping glucose absorption into the tissues and intestines, as well as balancing level glucose in the liver.

They also work best for the skin. Their help delays signs of aging because of beta-carotene, increase collagen production, and brighten the skin complexion. Because of abundant vitamin A and C presence, it promotes soft and smooth skin. Consuming pumpkin is good for overall maintenance of health.  Making vegetables and fruits part of the diet is essential as they are loaded with vitamins and minerals. Nowadays people don’t buy vegetables and fruits, as the produces are often loaded with chemicals and other constituents. But now with Farm to Home, people are able to get pure organic and farm fresh produce at their home.
For more information Visit: http://www.bakhaberkissan.com/pumpkin/


Hypokalemia, cancer, obesity, cholesterol, blood stasis and neurodegenerative diseases can be control by using peach fruit in regular diet. It can improve the eye sight, skin and maintains the healthy nervous system, strengthen the bones and teeth. It helps in detoxification and has anti-aging factors. It improves digestion and cellular health. It helps in strengthening the immune system and valuable during pregnancy due to presence essential nutrients and antioxidants.

Nutritional Value
Peach have broad range of nutrients that are important for the proper functioning of the body. It has Vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin C in rich amount. Peaches are good source of Alpha-tocopherol, vitamin K, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, folate and pantothenic acid. Peaches offer a rich amount of minerals i.e. calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorous, zinc & copper.  They are low in fat or cholesterol and are a good source of dietary fiber.
Other than refreshing taste and smell, peaches are rich in carotenoids and offer a variety of health benefits. 

Stop Cancer
Peaches are rich in phenolic and carotenoid compounds, which have anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties; as well as helps in fighting various types of cancers. Researches supported that chromogenic acid and neochlorogenic acid present in peach left beneficial effects in inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells without affecting the normal cells, unlike chemotherapy, which negatively affects healthy cells as well. Studies show that peaches rich in beta-carotene, thereby providing protective effects against lung cancer.

Skin Care
Peach help in maintain healthy skin owing to the presence of a good amount of vitamin C, which also gives a defense against harmful free radicals and infections. Peach also exert protective effects on the skin against UV radiation. Peaches are widely used in the cosmetic companies for the formation of skin creams and beauty products. Antioxidants promote faster recovery of skin problems such as stains and spots.

Peaches are rich in beta-carotene, which converted into vitamin A within the body. Beta-carotene plays vital role in maintain healthy vision and preventing various eye diseases like xerophthalmia and blindness. Research shows that lutein and zeaxanthin reside in the macular pigment of the eye and help in protecting the retina from age-related macular degeneration.
For More Information Visithttp://www.bakhaberkissan.com/


Jaggery is basically unrefined sugar that is made from raw, concentrated sugarcane juice. Although it can be obtained from date palm and coconut, the jaggery made from sugarcane juice is most common. Desi jaggery apart from being yummy, it is a powerhouse of nutrients and provides us with many amazing benefits during winters. Consuming it in winters is highly recommended as people with less immunity during winter are most likely to suffer from cold, cough, throat pain and other respiratory problems. When we consume it during winters, the calories present in it produce heat and keep our body warm during a cold.
As during the cold winters, the blood vessels get constricted but jaggery helps in blood flow and circulation. It is abundant in various minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous, iron, potassium, zinc, selenium and some antioxidants that keep our immune system strong during winter. The benefits of consuming jaggery are undeniable. It is potentially a healthy and tastier alternative to refined sugar. The antioxidants in it aid to strengthen bones and prevents conditions like arthritis. It helps in maintaining the healthy digestive system and provides relief from indigestion because it holds various nutrients that enable the production of the digestive enzymes.

During winters we often feel very lazy. Jaggery is considered a good source of carbohydrate that is easily digested in the body thus leading to a burst of energy flow. So the addition of it during winter is necessary as it has the ability to boost energy levels and make us energetic all time. In addition to that, it is an excellent source of iron so it improves the levels of hemoglobin in our body. This, in turn, reduces the chance of suffering from anemia. It also comprises folate that together with the iron regulates red blood cells in the body. As the problem of asthma often intensifies during winter, however consuming jaggery is suggested as it has the ability to ease respiratory problems. The anti-allergic property of it is also very beneficial for the asthma patients.
The antioxidants present in it give enough nourishment to our skin and keep it healthy and glowing during the severe winter season. The existing nutrients and antioxidants in its aid to improve immunity. It improves the ability to prevent the occurrence of certain diseases. After all, it is a kind of sugar, which if we consume in surplus amount may lead to diabetes and obesity. So its consummation at a moderate level is necessary.

Jaggery not just pleases our taste buds but there are also several health benefits of it. We can consume it at any time but the ideal period to eat it is winter. The winter climate favors drawing the extreme benefits as it is the time we need to keep your body warm and that is exactly what it does. But nowadays it is quite difficult to have pure and desi jaggery from the market. People become conscious while buying it as colors and other constituents are often added to it. So keeping in view the importance of pure and organic products ‘‘Farm to Home’’ has started home delivery service of fruits, veggies, pure honey, olive products, pure jaggery and desi eggs. There are two types of jaggery available from ‘‘Farm to home’’ platform, jaggery with dry fruits and for the people who like Gurr without dry fruits, tasty simple ‘‘Gurr’’ is available for those. To get the products at your home just download the App by clicking on the below link and place your order through the app.



Fig is originated from soils of Arab and it is a crop of the hot climate, dry summer, cool summer and wet winters. Dried fig is rich in nutrients and it can help you to meet your essential dietary needs. In winters people usually want to eat dry fruits but in extreme cold people never prefer visit market and if they visit the market and buy some expensive fruits but the issue is still there. A shopkeeper is aanunaware of nutritional and dietary values of that product. Now Farm to Home is providing dry fig with high dietary values and complete description at your doorstep with free home delivery. Fig comprises following dietary benefits:

Fig / Anjeer
 Fiber Content
A half cup of dried figs comprises 7.3 g of fiber contents. If the fig is included in the regular diet of a person, it can lower the risk of habitual diseases such as cardiac and diabetic diseases. A woman needs 25g of fiber and an adult man needs 38g fiber daily and it will be helpful in slow digestion and lower the cholesterol level in blood.

Strengthen Your Bones
Calcium is necessary for the strength of bones and per study of Fig Advisory Board California, half cup of serving fig contains 121mg. Other than bone health, fig decreases the chances of osteoporosis development. For a healthier person 1,000 to l,200 mg of calcium a day. If you are adding calcium-rich food like a fig in your diet, then you will meet the daily requirement.

Control Blood Pressure
Potassium is necessary for blood pressure control and if you add dry fig in your regular diet, it can meet the requirement of potassium and a single serving of fig has 507 mg of potassium and it also maintains fluid balance. An American study says that a healthy food should have 4700 mg of potassium a day and one serving of fig can meet 10% needs.

Meet the Iron Deficiency
Oxygen is an important component of blood and iron is essential for transportation of oxygen in the blood. If Iron is not enough in your blood, delivery of oxygen to blood decreases. So, your diet should fulfill the needs of Iron. A half-cup serving of dry figs has 1.5 mg of Iron. A person between the age of 19-50 require 18mg of Iron daily and above 51 a person needs 8 mg of Iron daily.

For information visit:


Cashew is a fruit originated from brazil. Cashew nut is high in minerals. Cashew came to India by traders. It gains maximum height and have irregular trunk. It seems like hanging apples and at the bottom of which are cashew nut. It has large shelf life and are available round the Year. Farm to Home is providing you good quality Cashew nuts on your doorsteps on premium rates and with following benefits:

Dry Fruits
Cashew Nuts
Cardiac Health Benefits
An international institute named as National Center for Biotechnology information its research points out that cashew nut is beneficial for cardiac health, as nut intake lowers the cholesterol level. Cashew help to accelerate the HDL and it is responsible for the absorption of cholesterol from heart and transfers to the liver and liver can broke it. Another research published in New England journal of Medicine also disclosed consumption of nut can lower the chances of death due to heart diseases, cancer and lungs diseases because it has proteins, vitamin, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, and anti-oxidants.   

Cure Blood Problems
Eating cashew nut regularly and in limited manner can help in cure of blood diseases because cashew is rich of Copper which can play role to reduce free radicals from human body. If copper is less in human body, it can cause deficiency of iron in Body which leads to anemia. So, our diet should contain sufficient copper and cashew nut is the best source.

In big cities, we are facing issue of pollution badly and our eyes are under attack of different infections. Cashew is powerful source of anti-oxidant that is Zea Xanthin. This antioxidant is taken by the retina and formed a protection layer on the retina which stops the ultraviolet rays.

Skin Benefits
Cashew oil is an extraction from cashew nut and it can make your skin wonderful. It has iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and magnesium. As cashew has a high value of selenium does wonder with your skin and protect you from cancer disease.

Be Smart
If you are taking cashew nuts regularly in your diet, then you will not face the issue of fats and you can easily lose weight and it has been proved with controlled clinical studies.

Healthy Hairs

Studies says that intake of cashew nuts as well as utilization of cashew oil on your hairs can give you shiny and healthier hairs because as I earlier mentioned that cashew is rich source of copper and pigment of copper melanin helps in hair production and make them shiny due to linoleic and oleic. 

Farm to Home

Farm to Home Sells fruits and vegetables, honey and desi egss online.
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